Start Guide

When you start out here, you might be wondering how to start. Well here's everything you need to know.

Step 1
Read about Great Lions under Info. You can skip the lore at first, or even all together. It's only there for those who want it.
Step 2
If you plan on being part of one of the prides, read this. It has info on who can join which prides, generally personality traits, territory and den site info, and so on.
If you don't, plan on being part of a pride, you can skip it.
Step 3
Now you can create your character. Go here, or of course you could check if someone has any cubs up for adoption(this would mean playing in your birth pride/location and starting from a cub).
Fill out your character creation form. Some things, like religion, love interest/mate, and family can be left out if you desire.
Step 4
If you chose to be part of a pride(which is reccomended), go to that pride's board(the Families are all under one board and each have a sub board). Find the welcome thread and read the intro. Reply to however you're asked to. Some prides will have a riddle for you, others a simple task. All of the welcome thread are basically assuming you are a lone lion looking for a pride.

After all that, you're welcomed to play as you wish, making your own way in TF.

Lore Simplified

There are three religions, all with the same lore, legends, and myths, it all comes down to whether or notyour character believes in the gods or not.
Those who don't either believe they are dead or never existed in the first place.
The Forsaken are a sect of the religion that believes in the gods. They have the same gods and believe in them, but choose to follow the Fallen Gods instead.
All the religions believe in the Ancestors, or spirits of the dead, and that they are the stars.

Your character can also simply not be religious or spiritual.


M. R. Blackthorn: Yeah, it was something we were trying, but aren't 100% sure on it X3 Nov 10, 2015 2:12:24 GMT
Zeeke: How would trading work? What would we trade? (if trading works in the future) Nov 11, 2015 3:07:32 GMT
M. R. Blackthorn: It's just little badge things. And it didn't work, so we're not using it :( Nov 11, 2015 3:27:03 GMT
Zeeke: Aw, okay. I should get to work on the other intros tomorrow x3 Nov 11, 2015 5:18:36 GMT *
M. R. Blackthorn: So I just mostly finished the Pride Info for Peace. We might open character creation on time now :D Nov 12, 2015 21:38:33 GMT
M. R. Blackthorn: I kinda should be working on the NPCs/gods' art right now, but I couldn't help making this At the moment, I'm thinking he's going to be Fate's Nov 15, 2015 7:19:03 GMT
M. R. Blackthorn: *son (not with Deception). This new god will likely be the god of shadows(a role normally filled by Serro, but for the purpose of this RP, Peace and I decided to make Serro just a demon-kin), or something else on the darker side of things. Nov 15, 2015 7:21:41 GMT *
M. R. Blackthorn: Him finished :) Decided to call him Miomaoe ("Dark Rain"). Nov 15, 2015 22:05:51 GMT
Zeeke: oops I forgot about this for a while eheh Nov 20, 2015 22:04:56 GMT
M. R. Blackthorn: That's alright ^^ I haven't got much done for TF recently, mostly just been busy transferring all my sketchbook files into Photoshop ones xD Nov 21, 2015 1:50:50 GMT
Zeeke: I'M HERE NOW Dec 2, 2015 6:32:43 GMT
Zeeke: Oh, and you can make the titles for the introduction threads for the Golden Suns and the Fallen Stars Families whatever you want c: Dec 2, 2015 6:37:24 GMT *
M. R. Blackthorn: I'll get on that as soon as I can :) Dec 3, 2015 17:37:25 GMT
M. R. Blackthorn: Just as a head's up, not much is going to get done here for a week or two. Peace and I both happened to drop our laptops, and currently just sent them to get fixed. It could be a bit before either of us can do much, other than use our phones >.< Dec 9, 2015 18:23:07 GMT
Zeeke: Alrighty! Dec 11, 2015 0:25:57 GMT
M. R. Blackthorn: Got the laptops back, but I had finals this week >.< I have some commissions to do as well, but I'm going to try to work on/finish up the rest of the gods/fallen gods over the holiday break. Things are probably going to be set back a few weeks too. Dec 17, 2015 21:55:49 GMT
Zeeke: Wow, only 37 minutes ago. Dec 20, 2015 19:58:59 GMT
Zeeke: Aaaah I need to write more. Errgh. Jan 3, 2016 0:39:54 GMT
M. R. Blackthorn: Me too >.< I haven't had much time to write lately. Jan 4, 2016 5:34:32 GMT
Zeeke: Oh my Feb 6, 2016 5:44:22 GMT
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